Functional Test
Moodle 3.8
Test 1:
- Log in as admin
- Create a new topics course with start date the 1st of last month and end date in 5 or 10 minutes (basically the time you need to follow this step below)
- Assign a user as a student to the course, log in as the student and generate 10 logs or more (e.g. access the course page, access the forum, check participants...)
- Log back as an admin
- Go to "Site admin > Analytics > Analytics settings" and disable "Analytics processes execution via command line only" setting
- Log in as a manager and go to 'Analytics models' in the Site administration.
- Wait until you reach the course end date time you specified above
- For 'Students at risk of dropping out' select 'Evaluate' in the Actions column.
- Verify that accuracy and information about the model performance using each of the time-splitting methods enabled on your site is displayed (by default Quarters, Quarters accumulative and Single range).
- Click 'Continue'.
- For 'Students at risk of dropping out' select 'Log' in the Actions column.
- Verify that a list of previous evaluations is displayed, with version (last time the model indicators were modified), indicators included in the evaluation, time splitting method and reported accuracy.
- Click View in the Info column.
- Verify that extra information reported by the machine learning algorithm is displayed in a modal window.
Test 2:
- Log in as a manager and create a new course with tomorrow as the start date (the course should not have any teachers nor students)
- Go to 'Analytics models' in the Site administration.
- For 'Courses at risk of not starting' select 'Execute scheduled analysis' in the Actions column.
- Scroll down the page listing info and click the continue button.
- Verify that for 'Courses at risk of not starting' the Insights column contains a drop-down menu with a single item 'All predictions'.
- Select 'All predictions' and verify that the model insights are displayed.
- Return to 'Analytics models' in the Site administration.
- For 'Courses at risk of not starting' select 'Clear predictions' in the Actions column and confirm in the modal window.
- Verify that the Insights column displays the message 'No predictions available yet'.
- For 'Courses at risk of not starting' select Disable in the Actions column
- Verify that the Insights column displays the message 'Disabled model' and that the option 'Execute scheduled analysis' is not available in the Actions menu.
- For 'Courses at risk of not starting' select 'Enable' in the Actions column, then select 'Execute scheduled analysis'.
- Scroll down the page listing info and click the continue button.
- Verify that for 'Courses at risk of not starting' the Insights column again contains a drop-down menu with a single item 'All predictions'.