Functional Test
Moodle 3.8
This test may be done using the Marvellous Media players course on the QA testing site qa.moodle.net. Otherwise, set up a course with some videos using videojs player and ensure you have at least one RTL language installed which you can use.
- Switch your language to a right-to-left language such as Hebrew
- Access one of the videos in your chosen course, eg Marvellous Media players and click to play the video.
- Verify that the progress bar is moving from left to right
- Verify that if you move the location of the video scrubber in the progress bar to the right, you are further in the video.
- Verify that if you move the location of the video scrubber in the progress bar to the left, you go backward in the video
- Verify that if you move the volume bar to the right, the volume is increased.
- Verify that if you move the volume bar to the left, the volume is decreased.
- Repeart steps 2- 7 with a different video and if possible a different RTL language.