Functional Test
Moodle 3.8
This test requires 2 courses with a teacher and student enrolled.
Please test in more than one browser and mention in a comment which ones you've used.
- Log in as the teacher and create the following chat activities (2 activities in one course and 3 in the other):
A - Next chat time yesterday and Repeat/publish session times - no repeats
B - Next chat time yesterday and Repeat/publish session times - at the same time every week
C - Next chat time tomorrow and Repeat/publish session times - no repeats
D - Next chat time tomorrow and Repeat/publish session times - at the same time every week
E - Next chat time tomorrow and Repeat/publish session times - don't publish - Log in as the student.
- Verify that the Timeline block on your dashboard displays links to chat activities B, C and D with the correct times displayed.
- Verify that chat activity A is NOT displayed and chat activity E is also NOT displayed (as the session time is not published).
- Try changing the filter in the Timeline block to display activities due in the next 3 months and next 6 months.
- Verify that the repeated chat activities B and D are only displayed onceĀ (in addition to C).
- Try sorting by courses and verify that the 2 courses are listed with the correct chat activities in each.