Functional Test
Test requirements:
- An assignment activity with "File submissions" enabled, maximum number of uploaded files set to 4 and the feedback type "Annotate PDF" enabled
- Admin access to a site with the Unoconv document converter enabled (requires Unoconv to be installed on the server)
- 2 student accounts and 1 teacher account
If you would like to use the QA testing site for running the test, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
Note: on the QA site ensure that the assignment maximum file submission size is set to at least 2MB to allow upload of the attached files.
Test steps:
- Log in as a student and upload the 4 attached images (pictures of a piece of paper with an arrow pointing upwards, each picture taken after rotating the camera 90 degrees) as an assignment submission.
- Log out then log in as a teacher and grade the submission.
- Check that the image files are converted to PDF and the arrow points upwards in all 4 PDFs.
- Log out then log in as an admin and disable the Unoconv document converter.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2, logging in as a different student then the same teacher.
- Check that the image files are again converted to PDF and the arrow points upwards in all 4 PDFs.
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MDL-63349 Assignment: Annotate PDF - Rotate submitted image automatically
- Closed