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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-1 Moodle QA testing
  3. MDLQA-14127

A Moodle administrator can set a quiz to require SEB to be used with a template.


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • Quiz, Student, Teacher
    • None

      This is a test for a scenario with managed devices. This test expects the student to use a managed windows device with SEB 3.0+ installed. Also the Moodle admin uses a windows device and has SEB 3.0+ installed on his device. The scenario is following: A Moodle admin has created a SEB template in Moodle by uploading a config file. The Moodle admin has created a quiz with several questions and configured the quiz to use existing template. On the students device the Moodle admin installs SEB and configures the SEBClientSettings.seb file (this is the file SEB looks for and starts with). The student starts SEB, logs in to Moodle and enrolls. SEB is reconfigured automatically and the student can click on "attempt quiz" to start the quiz.


      Test Pre-requisites:

      This test requires that you have created a config file in the SEB Config tool (SEB 3.0+). To do this:

      1. Open the SEB configuration tool (this is a standalone application on windows)
      2. In the "Config file" tab, set "Use SEB settings file for..." to "Starting an exam"
      3. In the "Exam" tab, disable "Clear browser session when starting an exam or starting SEB"
      4. In the same tab, enable "Clear browser session when ending an exam or terminating SEB (..)"
      5. In the "Security" tab, set "Kiosk mode" to "Disable explorer shell"
      6. Back on the "Config file" tab, under "Config file editing" click "Save settings as" (NOT "Save settings"!) and save this file to your desktop. We'll use this file to upload to Moodle in a moment.

      Important: if you use a lower SEB version or you do not configure the browser session in the config files to be cleared or not cleared correctly as described here and in the test step for the local SEB file, you will have to login again in to Moodle after the automatic reconfiguration of SEB.

      Test configuring Moodle:

      1. Login as a Moodle admin.
      2. Go to Site administration → Users → Permissions → Define roles → Teacher → Edit
      3. Set all Safe Exam Browser capabilities for the teacher to 'prevent'; except for 'Bypass the requirement to view quiz in Safe Exam Browser', and 'Require Safe Exam Browser' which are set to 'allow'. (Manage Safe Exam Browser configuration templates is 'not set')
      4. Go to Site administration → Plugins → Activity modules → Quiz → Safe Exam Browser access rule, select 'Auto configure SEB'.
        (If this is set, users who navigate to the quiz using the Safe Exam Browser do not have to click 'Launch Safe Exam Browser', because the Safe Exam Browser is automatically reconfigured with the template the quiz is configured to use.)
      5. Go to Site administration → Plugins → Activity modules → Quiz → Safe Exam Browser templates, then click button "Add a new template"
      6. Enter a Name for the template and upload the created config file (see pre-requisites), set 'Enabled' to 'yes'. Save changes.
      7. Create a course with self enrollment without a password configured. Enroll a teacher user in this course.
      8. In this course create a quiz containing several questions, each question on a separate page.
      9. Edit the quiz settings:
      10. Configure the review options in the quiz settings to NOT be displayed after the quiz was submitted.
      11. Set 'Require the use of Safe Exam Browser' to be 'Yes – Use existing template'.
      12. Set "Show Safe Exam Browser download button" to "No".
      13. Set a Quit password of "quit123"
      14. At "Extra restriction on attempts" → Set a password for the quiz. 

      Test accessing the SEB quiz as a teacher:

      1. Login as a teacher.
      2. CONFIRM that you can preview the quiz without having SEB installed on your device

      Configuring SEB to act like a student's machine (normally this would be a separate machine to that of the admin, but for testing it can be the same one):

      1. Open the config tool again now. We'll now use it to create the client config settings on the managed device used by the student.
        • Under the "General" section, set the start URL to the URL of the quiz in Moodle.
        • Under the "General" section, set a "Quit/unlock password" of "quit". Note this different to the password used in the quiz settings, which we expect will override this client settings value.
        • Under the "Config file" section, set "Use SEB settings file for.." to "configure a client"
        • Under the "Exam" section, session Handling has to be configured as following: 'Clear browser session when starting an exam or starting SEB' has to be selected. 'Clear browser session when ending an exam or terminating SEB (..)' is NOT selected.
        • In the same tab, under "Reconfiguring Secure/Exam Session", enable "Allow reconfiguring secure/exam session" and set a Reconfiguring URL of '*'.
        • Under the "Security" section, set the "Kiosk mode" to "Disable Explorer Shell".
        • Under the "Config file" section, click "Configure Client" (to make sure the settings are saved as 'SEBClientSettings.seb' in the AppData directory) and click Save Settings.
      2. Close the config tool.

      Accessing the SEB quiz as a student:

      1. As a student start SEB. The SEB config you created in the prior step is loaded.
      2. Login as a student in Moodle. You land on the enrollment page.
      3. Click 'enroll me'. You land on the quiz starting page and SEB reconfigures with the template the quiz is configured to use.
      4. Click 'attempt quiz'.
      5. Enter the quiz password.
      6. Solve the quiz and submit the quiz by clicking 'submit all and finish'
      7. Try to quit SEB by clicking on the shut down icon in the bottom right corner of the SEB taskbar or by using the shortcut ctrl + q.
      8. CONFIRM that you are prompted for the password. Since as a student, you don’t know the password, you cannot exit SEB.
      9. Confirm that you can exit SEB by entering the 'quit123' password. This is the password set in Moodle, NOT the client config. This simulates a teacher closing the SEB session.

      Test steps if student tries to access the quiz NOT using SEB:

      1. After having completed above Test Steps, unenroll the student user from the course and delete their prior attempt from the quiz.
      2. As a student open a browser, for example firefox.
      3. Enter the URL to the quiz.
      4. Login as a student. You land on the enrollment page.
      5. Click 'enroll' and you land on the 'Launch Safe Exam Browser' page.
      6. CONFIRM that the page displays the information 'This quiz has been configured so that students may only attempt it using the Safe Exam Browser.'
      7. If you now click "Launch Safe Exam Browser" on a device where SEB is installed, SEB starts using the local config file on the device
      8. You have to login to Moodle again
      9. SEB reconfigures and you can attempt the quiz.
      10. If you are working on a device without SEB you cannot attempt the quiz.


      Test Steps if "Auto configure SEB" is NOT selected in the "Safe Exam Browser access rule" in the site-admin:

      1. Log in as an admin and disable "Auto configure SEB" in site admin.
      2. Launch SEB
      3. When prompted, log in as a new student
      4. Click 'enroll me' when presented with the course page
      5. You will now land on the page which has the buttons "Launch Safe Exam Browser", "Back to course", "Download config"
      6. Click "Launch Safe Exam Browser" and confirm that:
        • SEB re-configures itself using the template configured in the quiz and
        • You then land on the quiz starting page. (Because "Auto configure SEB" is NOT selected you have to do this extra click on "Launch Safe Exam Browser", to launch the reconfiguration with the template - the reconfiguration is NOT automatic and this is what we're confirming here).
      7. Click 'attempt quiz', solve the quiz and submit it.
      8. CONFIRM you are able to quit SEB by entering the correct password - 'quit123'. This simulates an admin closing the exam session.

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