Functional Test
This test requires the upload a file and recent files repositories to be enabled.
1. Log in as a student and go to a forum.
2. Add a new discussion topic, click 'Advanced' and upload a text file as an attachment.
3. Check that the file is shown attached to the forum post.
4. Add another new discussion topic and include an image in the message by clicking the insert image icon in the text editor and then uploading an image.
5. Check that the image is displayed in the forum post.
6. Add another new discussion topic and include a sound or video file by clicking the Moodle media icon in the text editor and then uploading a sound or video file.
7. Check that the sound or video file is displayed correctly (assuming the multimedia plugins is enabled).
8. Reply to a discussion, click the Add attachment button, choose Recent files in the file picker and select the text file which was previously uploaded.
9. Check that the file is shown attached to the forum post.
10. Reply to a discussion, click the insert image icon, choose Recent files in the file picker and select the image which was previously uploaded.
11. Check that the image is displayed in the forum post.
12. Reply to a discussion, click the Moodle media icon, choose Recent files in the file picker and select the sound or video file which was previously uploaded.
13. Check that the sound or video file is displayed correctly.