Functional Test
Moodle QA non-runners
This test requires 2 users with the role of teacher in a course.
Some H5P files are attached to help with testing.
- Log in as teacher1 and go to the course.
- Go to "Content bank" in the navigation block under Site pages (for classic theme) or drawer (for boost theme).
- Confirm the content bank is empty.
- Click on the Upload button.
- Upload an H5P file and 'Save changes'.
- Confirm that the H5P file is shown in the content bank.
- Click on the "Edit" button, change some of the fields then click the "Save" button.
- Confirm that the H5P file displays the changes just made.
- Log out then log in as teacher2 and go to the course.
- Confirm that the H5P file uploaded by teacher1 is displayed.
- Click on the Upload button.
- Upload another H5P file and 'Save changes'.
- Confirm that the H5P file is shown in the content bank.
- Go to "Content bank" link in the breadcrumbs.
- Confirm that both H5P files are displayed.
- has a clone
MDLQA-14774 CLONE - As a teacher I can upload H5P files to a course content bank and see existing content
- Passed
- is a QA test written for
MDL-67786 Create a new 'contentbank' plugin type and a new H5P plugin in the content bank
- Closed