Functional Test
Moodle 3.9
This test requires admin access in two Moodle sites.
- Log as admin in one Moodle instance
- Create a course named C1
- Go to Content bank link in C1 course (link is in the drawer for Boost, in Navigation block -> Site pages for Classic)
- Click 'Upload' button to create a new content
- Upload helloworld.h5p file and Save changes
- Go to 'C1' course
- Go to 'Backup' option in course cog menu
- Uncheck 'Include content bank content' options
- Click on 'Jump to final step'
- Confirm the backup file is successfully created and click Continue
- Download the new *.mbz back file
- Log in as admin in a different empty Moodle instance
- Go to Site administration > Courses > Restore course
- Import the just downloaded backup file and click on 'Restore'
- Confirm 'Include content bank content' is not checked.
- Click on 'Continue'
- Select a category and click in Continue in 'Restore as a new course' section
- Confirm 'Include content bank content' is not checked.
- Click on 'Next'
- Click on 'Next' using default settings
- Click on 'Perform restore'
- Confirm the course is restored successfully and click in 'Continue'
- Go to Content bank link in the new course (link is in the drawer for Boost, in Navigation block -> Site pages for Classic)
- Confirm the content bank is empty
- is a clone of
MDLQA-14742 As an admin I want to backup my course excluding the content bank and restore in a different Moodle instance
- Open
- is a QA test written for
MDL-68314 Backup and restore options for course level content bank
- Closed