Functional Test
Moodle 3.9
This is an exploratory test of a new feature or improvement, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!
Some H5P files attached to help with the testing.
We need some H5P content types installed.
- As an admin, go to "Content bank" in the navigation block > site pages (for classic theme) or drawer (for boost theme).
- Click on the Upload button.
- Upload "filltheblanks.h5p" file and 'Save changes'.
- Verify the "filltheblanks.h5p" element is shown.
- Login as a teacher.
- Go to a course where you are enrolled as a teacher.
- Go to "Content bank" in the navigation block > Site pages (for classic theme) or drawer (for boost theme).
- Click on the "Add" button.
- Select "Fill in the Blanks" option.
- Ensure you are in the edit page.
- Confirm the "Title" field is empty and there is a warning message under it.
- Click on the "Cancel" button.
- Verify you are in the content bank main page.
- Repeat steps 1-3.
- Fill in the "Title", "Task description" and "Line of text" fields.
- Click the "Save" button.
- Confirm the title field value is in the page header and the fields you modified in step 8 are correctly rendered.
- Click on the "Close" button.
- Confirm the new content element is shown, and the name matches the value of the title entered in step 8.
- is a clone of
MDLQA-14795 A teacher can create new H5P content in the content bank
- Open
- is a QA test written for
MDL-68641 Teachers cannot use the H5P editor within the content bank
- Closed