Functional Test
Moodle 3.10
This test requires the following filters to be enabled (as they are by default):
- Display emoticons as images
- Convert URLs into links and images
- Log in as student1 and access a chat activity.
- Click to enter the chat and add a chat message containing an emoticon e.g.
- Log in as student2, perhaps using a different browser, and access the chat activity.
- Click to enter the chat and check that the message from student1 is displayed correctly.
- Add a chat message containing a URL e.g. http://moodle.org.
- Check that the message is displayed correctly with the URL converted into a link.
- Add a chat message "/me laughs!"
- Check that the message is displayed as "Sam laughs!" (where Sam is the name of the student).
- Add a chat message "<em>Text in italics</em>".
- Check that the message is displayed in italics.
- Add a chat message "<b>Text in bold</b>"
- Check that the message is displayed in bold.
- Try switching to each of the different themes.
- Check that the chat is displayed nicely in each theme.
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-68964 Swapping theme in chat window causing notice error
- Closed