Functional Test
This test requires an assignment (of any type) with rubric as the grading method and with at least one student submission.
- Log in as a teacher, access the assignment and grade the student using the rubric.
- In settings menu for this assignment select 'Advanced grading' and click 'Edit'. Make sure that button 'Save as draft' is not visible any more.
- Make changes to the texts or re-arrange the criteria.
- Click 'Save' and check that a message is displayed stating that students may need re-grading.
- Select 'Do not mark for re-grade' and save the rubric.
- Log in as the graded student and check that you still can see your grade as a rubric.
- Log in as the teacher again and edit the rubric again. Make changes to the number of levels or add/delete criteria, or change the number of points.
- Click 'Save' and check that a message about re-grading is displayed.
- Log in as the graded student and check that you can no longer see your grade as a rubric any more, though you can still can see a grade in the gradebook.
- Log in as the teacher and update the grade of this student, check that a message appears during grading that student can not see the rubric at the moment. Update the grade.
- Log in as the student and check that you can once again see your grade as a rubric.