Functional Test
Moodle 3.11
Test Pre-requisites:
- assignments created should be of the new assignment module type
- an existing assignment set to use a marking guide with a complete guide defined, and marking complete
- unless otherwise specified testing should be performed as a teacher user
Test Steps:
- Edit the assignment, changing the grading method to Simple grading
- Check that the grade (and feedback comment if used) for the marking already completed remains the same
- Login as a student whose submission has been marked
- Check that they can see the grade
- Login as the teacher
- Edit the assignment, changing the grading method to Marking guide
- Check that the Marking guide details and information remains as it was before changing to Simple grading
- Login as a student whose submission has been marked
- Check that they can see the grade
- Login as the teacher
- Delete the marking guide from the assignment
- Check that a warning is displayed, saying the detailed marking as per marking guide will be lost.
- Cancel the deletion
- Check that nothing has been lost
- Delete the marking guide from the assignment and confirm the deletion
- Check that the grade (and feedback comment if used) for the marking already completed remains the same
- Check that marking can now be completed using the Simple grading interface
- is a QA test written for
MDL-31731 Create new marking guide advanced grading form type
- Closed