Functional Test
Moodle QA non-runners
Test Pre-requisites:
- Firefox must be used to execute this test.
- Any course in Moodle where the teacher has set course Format to 'Weeks' and the teacher has added at least two activities each to three sections. In each section:
- One activity is visible.
- One activity is hidden.
Test Steps:
1. Login to Moodle as a Teacher and navigate to the course page.
2. Toggle the first section's visibility once and check that it is now dimmed and the icon changed, that both activities are also dimmed and that the show/hide icons for the activities are disabled.
3. Toggle the second section's visibility twice and verify that it dimmed with the first click, but become visible again with the second click. Also check that one activity should be shown, the other hidden and that both activities show/hide icons are clickable.
4. Toggle the third section's visibility thrice and verified that it ends up dimmed with the icon changed and that both activities are also be dimmed. Also verify that the show/hide icon for the activities is disabled.
5. Refresh the page confirm that your changes are preserved.
6. Navigate to a new browser tab and access the page. Verify that your changes have been preserved.
7. Navigate to a new browser window and access the page. Verify that your changes have been preserved.
8. Login as a student and verify that the correct sections are shown and hidden.
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-38499 Automate MDLQAs - The show/hide section icon functions correctly
- Closed