Functional Test
Moodle 3.11
This test requires admin access. If you would like to use the QA testing site for running it, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
- Log in as an admin and go to to Site administration / Appearance / User tours.
- Create a new tour and apply it to /course/view.php%.
- Create some steps - some visible, some for items not on the page and a mixture of blocks, CSS selectors, and Display in middle of page.
- Check that there are no other user tours applying to /course/view.php%. If so, disable or delete them. (There can be only one tour per role per context.)
- View a course page and confirm the tour works as expected.
- Click the End Tour link and confirm that the Tour disappears.
- Click the reset tour link in the footer and confirm that the tour restarts.
- Refresh the page and confirm that the tour appears again.
- Do not click the "End tour" button...
- View another page and confirm the tour doesn't display there.
- Confirm that there is no "Reset user tour on this page" link for the tour in the footer.
- Go back to the course view page and confirm that the tour appears again.
- Click the End tour link and confirm that the Tour disappears.
- Refresh the page and confirm that the tour does not appear again.
- Go to Site administration / Appearance / User Tours.
- Click on the name of the tour
- Select the "Force the tour to be displayed" link in the top section.
- Go back to the course view page and confirm that the tour appears again.
- Go to Site administration / Appearance / User Tours.
- Edit the tour name and description.
- Delete the tour and confirm that it is no longer listed on the user tours page.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-52777 Moodle Tour/Walkthough/Instructional overlays for first time user on page (User tours)
- Closed