Functional Test
Moodle 3.11
This test requires at least 4 courses and a student who is enrolled in all of them.
Please test in more than one browser and mention in a comment which ones you've used.
- Log in as the student and go to the Dashboard.
- Click the 'Customise this page' button and add the Starred courses block.
- Verify that it displays the message 'No starred courses'.
- In the course overview block, try starring some courses.
- Verify that after starring a course, it appears immediately in the Starred courses block (without needing to refresh the page).
- Verify that you can scroll in the Starred courses block to view all of your starred courses.
- Verify that a course name and image in the Starred courses block links to the correct course.
- Try moving the Starred courses block to another region of the Dashboard and verify that the starred courses display fine, with a scroll bar if necessary.
- In the course overview block, try unstarring some courses.
- Verify that after unstarring a course, it disappears immediately from the Starred courses block (without needing to refresh the page).
- is a QA test written for
MDL-63064 Build Starred Courses Block
- Closed