Functional Test
Moodle 3.11
This test requires sample H5P files, such as the attached files, to be added by a site admin to the content bank in the system, course category and course contexts, as done on the QA testing site.
- Log in as a teacher and go to a course.
- Turn editing on, click 'Add an activity or resource' and add a Page resource.
- Give the page a name, then in the page content click on the H5P button in the Atto editor and click on 'Browse repositories'.
- Click on the 'Content bank' repository.
- In the 'Content bank' repository navigate to the system context and click on the H5P file.
- Select 'Make a copy of the file' then click 'Select this file'.
- Click 'Insert H5P'.
- Verify that the file has been added to the page content field.
- Repeat this process, adding content files from different available contexts.
- Verify each time that the file has been successfully added.
- Click Save and display and verify that all H5P content displays correctly.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-67812 Create a new repository for the content bank
- Closed