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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-15457 Moodle 3.11 QA
  3. MDLQA-16032

CLONE - Grades from H5P content anywhere in the course can be saved in the gradebook


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Moodle 3.11
    • Moodle 3.11
    • H5P, Student, Teacher
    • None

      This test requires admin access. If you would like to use the QA testing site for running it, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!

      1. Log in as an admin and enable stealth activities in Site administration / Advanced features.
      2. Log out then log in as a teacher and go to your course.
      3. Turn editing on and add a new H5P activity.
      4. Add an H5P file which provides tracking data (such as one of the attached files) and in the H5P options tick the box for 'Embed button'.
      5. In the common module settings set the availability to 'Make available but not shown on course page', then click 'Save and display'.
      6. When viewing the H5P activity, click the link '<> Embed' below the content and copy the embed code.
      7. Go to the course page and add a book.
      8. For the first chapter, add a title, then in the content field click the Atto HTML button '</>' and paste the H5P embed code then save changes.
      9. Log out then log in a student and go to the course.
      10. Verify that there is no H5P activity shown on the course page, only the book.
      11. View the book and attempt the H5P content in the book.
      12. Go to your grades and verify that the H5P activity is listed with the grade that you just obtained.
      13. Repeat steps 3 to 12 with a different H5P file and pasting the H5P embed code into a different activity or resource, such as a label.

        1. arithmetic-quiz-addition.h5p
          731 kB
        2. filltheblanks.h5p
          699 kB
        3. Step10-bis.png
          100 kB
        4. Step10.png
          9 kB
        5. Step11.png
          46 kB
        6. Step12-bis.png
          53 kB
        7. Step12.png
          16 kB
        8. Step4-5.png
          223 kB
        9. Step6.png
          206 kB
        10. step4.png
          141 kB

            c.prudhomme Clement Prudhomme
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