Functional Test
This test requires a site with an OAuth 2 Google service and the Google Drive repository enabled.
The QA testing site may be used for running this test, though you'll need admin access (see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access) in order to set up the Google service and enable the Google Drive repository. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test! Alternatively, you can use your own test site.
This test also requires a Workspace Google Drive account which contains shared drives with a number of files for use during the test.
1. Log in as a student and go to a forum.
2. Add a new discussion topic and click the Add button to add an attachment.
3. Choose Google Drive in the file picker then click the Login button.
4. Grant access to your Google account.
5. You should be able to see 'My Drive' and 'Shared Drives' folders. Click on the 'Shared Drives' folder.
6. Now you should be able to see folders representing every existing shared drive. Click on one of these folders (make sure it contains files)
7. Select a file then click the 'Post to forum' button.
8. Check that the Google Drive file is shown as an attachment to the post.
9. Try downloading the file.
- has a clone
MDLQA-16048 CLONE - A user can add files from Google Drive using a Workspace Google account
- Passed
- is a QA test written for
MDL-61768 Update Google Drive repository to allow Shared drive files
- Closed