Functional Test
Moodle 3.11
This test requires a publicly available site which has the Accessibility toolkit plugin activated, such as the QA testing site.
If you are running this test on your own test site, to speed up processing task run rates, the following scheduled tasks may be changed to run every minute rather than the default 5 minutes: Process bulk caching, Process bulk batch accessibility checking and Process content analysis requests. This has been done on the QA testing site.
The test also requires a course containing a few accessibility errors such as the attached 'Accessibility 101' course backup (which is available on the QA testing site). If you would like to restore your own course backup on the QA testing site for use in testing, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
- Log in as a teacher and go to the course.
- From the Actions menu (Boost theme) or Course administration (Classic theme) click "Accessibility toolkit".
- If necessary, click on the "Submit for analysis" button, then wait for the analysis to be completed. The analysis is processed in the background by scheduled tasks, so its speed of completion will depend on task timings and task run schedules. Click "Accessibility toolkit" again.
- Go to the Content types tab and make a note of the current number of errors for each content type.
- Return to the course page and update or create a new activity or resource.
- Add a few accessibility errors, such as a link with text "Click here", a link which opens in a new window, use b tags rather than strong, use image alt text which is the image filename etc. then save changes.
- Wait a short while then click "Accessibility toolkit" again.
- Verify that the new errors are listed correctly. If not, please wait a little longer then refresh the page.
- Go to the Content types tab and verify that the number of errors for the different content types has increased as expected.
- Return to the error list and select at least two of the new errors to edit and fix.
- Wait a short while then click "Accessibility toolkit" again.
- Verify that the fixed errors are no longer listed. If not, please wait a little longer then refresh the page.
- Go to the Content types tab and verify that the number of errors for the different content types has decreased as expected.
- Discovered while testing
MDL-71543 Accessibility toolkit heatmap toggle icon inconsistent
- Closed
- is a clone of
MDLQA-16044 A teacher can view updated accessibility results for a course
- Open
- is a QA test written for
MDL-69863 Brickfield Education Labs accessibility toolkit core integration
- Closed