Functional Test
Moodle 3.11
This is an exploratory test of a new feature, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!
This test requires a course containing activities with different dates set, some in the past and some in the future. In the course settings, 'Show activity dates' should be set to Yes.
- Log in as a student and go to the course page.
- Verify that activities with open or close dates in the future show the dates below the activity link prefixed by 'Opens:' or 'Closes:'
- Verify that activities with open or close dates in the past show the dates below the activity link prefixed by 'Opened:' or 'Closed:'
- Verify that a chat with a chat time set shows the date and time below the activity link prefixed by 'Next chat time:'
- Verify that activities such as assignment with a due date show the date below the activity link prefixed by 'Due:'
- Verify that all activity dates have the same format including the day of the week and the time (either 12 or 24 hour format depending on the language used).
- Follow the links to various activities and verify that activity dates are shown on the activity page the same as on the course page.
- Verify that activity dates are not shown twice on any activity page.
- is a clone of
MDLQA-16054 A student can view activity dates on the course page and in an activity
- Open
- is a QA test written for
MDL-70469 Improve Student Activity Completion
- Closed
- Testing discovered
MDL-11094 Time display format calendar_site_timeformat does not display 24 hour clock in reports
- Open