Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
NOTE: The teacher and student on http://qa.moodle.net/ are using the 'Server's local time' which is UTC+8 . If you run this test on http://qa.moodle.net/ you might wish to change this to your own timezone to avoid time confusion issues.
- Log in as a teacher in a course, create a choice activity.
- In the 'Availability' section, set the 'Allow responses from' date to a time tomorrow and set the 'Allow responses until' date to a time the day after tomorrow.
- Log in as a student and check that the activity is only available between the Open/Until dates. Outside these dates, only the description should be displayed (the options shouldn't appear).
- is blocked by
MDL-74086 No 'This activity is not available' message is displayed with date availability set in choice activity
- Closed