Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
Test Pre-requisites:
- This test must be executed on Moodle hosted on Apache with an Oracle database.
- An instance of the previous version of Moodle with the following:
- At least one course.
- At least one teacher enrolled in that course.
- At least one student enrolled in that course.
- At least one manager enrolled in that course.
- The course has at least one of each activity and resource. With:
- posts on a forum,
- completed an assignments,
- completed a quizzes.
Test Steps:
- Upgrade Moodle to the latest version.
- Access the course as each role and verify:
- permissions are correct.
- layout and any data is correct and can be accessed.
- As the teacher add one of each activity and resource to the course created above.
- As one of the students access each activity and resource:
- post on a forum,
- complete an activity,
- complete a quiz.
- As the teacher grade any completed activities.
NOTE: Upgrade with both CLI and web.
- is blocked by
MDL-74376 Unable to upgrade from 3.11 to 4.0 for Oracle db
- Closed