Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
This test requires Ghostscript to be installed on the server. It also requires an assignment activity.
- Log in as a student and upload a PDF as submission to the assignment.
- Log in as a teacher, go to the assignment and press "Grade"
- On the grading page you should see the annotate pdf tool on the left side
- Try all the different options in the editor and check that the outcome is the expected one
- Click the Rotate left and Rotate right buttons (next to the Expand button) and ensure they correctly rotate the PDF.
- When you are done, set a grade for the student and click the 'Save changes' button.
- Switch to another user using the top "Change user" selector (the annotate pdf should be cleared) and switch back to the annotated one (the previous annotated pdf should be restored)
- Click on the assignment name and click "View all submissions", press "View annotated PDF" and check that the feedback PDF has been generated and that all edits are saved correctly.
- Log in as the student and access the assignment.
- View the feedback PDF and check that all feedback is displayed correctly.
- Repeat steps 2 to 5 in a different browser, adding a comment to this issue mentioning which browsers you have used.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-61537 Assignment: Annotate PDF - adding a 'rotate' button
- Closed