Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
This test requires a course with a teacher and three students enrolled.
- Log in as a teacher and create an assignment. In 'Grade' set Use marking workflow to 'Yes', but don't enable marking allocation. Save and display.
- Click 'View all submissions' to access the grading screen. Make sure quick grading is not enabled in Options.
- Select all users and from the 'With selected' dropdown, choose 'Set marking worfklow state' and hit Go.
- On the next screen, change Marking workflow state to 'In marking' and save the changes.
- Verify that the grading screen now shows the status as 'In marking' (Not a problem that nobody has submitted!)
- Select two students out of the three and from the 'With selected' dropdown, choose 'Set marking workflow state' and hit Go.
- On the next screen, change Marking workflow state to 'Marking completed' and save the changes.
- Verify that the grading screen now shows two students with 'Marking completed' and one with 'In marking'.
- Check Quick grading in the Options and verify you now see dropdown boxes in the Status column.
- For the third student, change the dropdown box to 'In review' and hit 'Save all quick grading changes'.
- Verify the third student now shows 'In review'.
- Uncheck Quick grading and verify the marking workflow states in the Status column have not changed.