Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
This test requires a course with two enrolled teachers (Teacher 1,2) and four enrolled students (Students 1,2,3,4)
- Log in as teacher 1 and create an assignment. For Grade, set Use marking workflow to 'Yes' and Use marking allocation to 'Yes'. Save and display and click View/grade all submissions.
- In Options,check Quick grading, and for Students 1 and 2 in the Marker column choose Teacher 1. For Students 3 and 4 in the Marker column choose Teacher 2.
- Click 'Save all quick grading changes'.
- From Options>Marker filter, choose Teacher 1 and verify you now only see Students 1 and 2.
- In the Status column, change Student 1 to 'In marking' and click 'Save all quick grading changes'.
- From Options>Workflow filter, choose 'In marking' and verify you only see Student 1.
- Log in as Teacher 2 and access the assignment grading screen.
- From Options>Marker filter, choose Teacher 2 and verify you now only see Students 3 and 4.
- From Options>Workflow filter, choose 'In marking' and verify you have no students on your list.
- Change the workflow filter back to 'No filter'.
- Change the marker filter back to 'No filter' and verify you see all 4 students for both teachers.
- From Options>Workflow filter, choose 'In marking' and verify you see only Student 1 on the grading screen.