Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
This test requires conditional access be enabled globally (via Advanced Features) and within a course via Course administration>Edit settings. It also requires a course with a teacher and test student enrolled (whose first name must NOT be ZXKYQW!)
- Log in as a teacher, log in to a course and create a Page resource.
- Expand the Restrict Access section and click 'Add restriction'
- Click 'User profile'
- In Access Restrictions, select: student must match..
- Set 'User profile fields' to: First name is equal to ZXKYQW
- Log in as the test student and verify you cannot access the page.
- Log back in as teacher and click to edit the page.
- Change the Access Restrictions to: student must NOT match and save.
- Log back in as test student and verify you can now see the page.