Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
This test requires admin access. If you would like to use the QA testing site for running it, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
- Log in as a teacher, go to a course and turn editing on.
- Edit an existing activity or resource or create a new one and in the "Tags" section (last section on the page), add a few tags.
- Press "Save and return to course", then edit the activity or resource and check that the tags are displayed as expected.
- Delete a tag and add a new one.
- Press "Save and return to course", then edit the activity or resource and check that the tags are displayed as expected.
- Create a backup of the activity or resource, then restore it into a new course.
- Edit the activity or resource and check that the tags are displayed as expected.
- Log out then log in as an admin and go to Site administration / Appearance / Manage tags / Default collection.
- Check that all the tags added by the teacher are listed.
- Delete both instances of the activity or resource containing the tags (in the original course and in the course where it was restored to).
- Go to Site administration / Security / Site security settings and untick 'Cron execution via command line only' then save changes.
- Go to Site administration / Server / Scheduled tasks and for \core\task\tag_cron_task click 'Run now'.
- Return to Site administration / Appearance / Manage tags / Default collection.
- Check that all the tags added by the teacher are no longer listed.
- Repeat all the above steps with a different activity or resource, and mention in a comment which activities or resources you have used in the test.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-52252 Add tags to modules (Resources and Activities)
- Closed