Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
This test requires admin access. If you would like to use the QA testing site for running it, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
- Log in as an administrator, go to Site administration / Security / HTTP security and enable 'Allow frame embedding'.
- Go to Site administration / Plugins / Authentication / Manage authentication and enable LTI'authentication.
- Go to Site administration / Plugins / Enrolments / Manage enrol plugins and enable 'Publish as LTI tool'.
- Log out and log in as teacher and go to a course with at least 1 activity (assignment) and 1 resource (file).
- Go to 'Enrolment methods' via Course navigation ► Participants
- Add a Publish as LTI tool enrolment instance, setting LTI version to "LTI Advantage" and setting 'Tool to be published' to the course.
- Add a Publish as LTI tool enrolment instance, setting LTI version to "LTI Advantage" and setting 'Tool to be published' to the assignment.
- Add a Publish as LTI tool enrolment instance, setting LTI version to "LTI Advantage" and setting 'Tool to be published' to the file resource.
- Add a Publish as LTI tool enrolment instance, setting LTI version to "Legacy LTI" and setting 'Tool to be published' to the course.
- Add a Publish as LTI tool enrolment instance, setting LTI version to "Legacy LTI" and setting 'Tool to be published' to the assignment.
- Add a Publish as LTI tool enrolment instance, setting LTI version to "Legacy LTI" and setting 'Tool to be published' to the file resource.
- Go to 'Published as LTI tool' via Course navigation
- Select the "LTI Advantage" tab
- Verify you see 3 instances, each having a "Launch URL" and "Custom properties".
- Click Edit icon and ensure you can edit the Publish as LTI tool enrolment.
- Click Delete icon and ensure you can delete the Publish as LTI tool enrolment.
- Click Disable icon and ensure it changes to Enable icon.
- Select the "Legacy LTI" tab
- Verify you see 3 instances, each having a "Launch URL", "Cartridge URL" and "Secret".
- Click Edit icon and ensure you can edit the Publish as LTI tool enrolment.
- Click Delete icon and ensure you can delete the Publish as LTI tool enrolment.
- Click Disable icon and ensure it changes to Enable icon. (Optional) You can test the Registration URL in a different LTI consumer instance and make sure the activity is not accessible and that you get the message 'The 'Publish as LTI tool' plugin is disabled.'
- is a QA test written for
MDL-52035 Integrate LTI Provider support in Moodle
- Closed