Functional Test
Moodle 4.0
This is an exploratory test of a new feature or improvement, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!
Test using Boost theme only.
Test collapsing and expanding sections in the course index
- Login as a teacher
- Go to a course.
- Confirm all sections in the course index are expanded.
- Click on the chevron beside a section name in the course index.
- Confirm the section is collapsed in the course index.
- Confirm the section is no collapsed in the course main content area.
- Click on a section name in the course index.
- Confirm the section is collapsed in the course index.
- Confirm the section is no collapsed in the course main content area.
Test collapsing and expanding sections in the course main content area
- Click on the chevron beside a section name in the course main content area.
- Confirm the section is collapsed in the course main content area..
- Confirm the section is no collapsed in the course index.
- Click on a section name in the course main content area..
- Confirm the section is collapsed in the course main content area..
- Confirm the section is no collapsed in the course index.
Test section status is saved
- Collapse some of the sections in the course index.
- Collapse some of the sections in the course main content area.
- Navigate to any of the course activities.
- Confirm the status of sections in the course is the same as in the course main page.
- Navigate to course main page.
- Confirm the status of sections in the course index and course main content area is the same as before.
- Go to Home page
- Navigate back to the course
- Confirm the status of section in the course index and course main content area is the same as before.
Test section status is saved per user
- Log out as Teacher.
- Log in as Teacher.
- Go to the course.
- Confirm the status of sections in the course index and course main content area is the same as before.
- Log out as Teacher.
- Log in as Student.
- Go to the course.
- Confirm all sections are expanded in the course index.
- Confirm all sections are expanded in the course main content area.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-71211 Keep the status of the course index collapsed and expanded sections per user and course
- Closed