Functional Test
This test requires admin access to enable the new TinyMCE editor
- Please test this on both Themes (classic, boost)
- Please test this with multiple browsers (Chrome, FF, Edge, Safari...)
- If possible, execute the test in a mobile device.
- Execute the test with the browser console open so you can see if there are any Javascript errors.
- Verify it works in different languages, at least one RTL (Hebrew for example)
TinyMCE is enabled by default.
- As admin go to Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > Manage editors.
- Ensure that the TinyMCE Editor is enabled by default.
- Move it up to the first position to make it the default editor.
- Go to your user "Edit profile" page.
- Verify the new TinyMCE editor is the default editor now.
TinyMCE plugins can be disabled/enabled
- Go to Site administration > Text editors > TinyMCE editor > General settings
- Disable one the plugins eg. Accessibility checker
- Go to any page where there's an editor eg. user profile edit page
- Ensure the disabled plugin is not available to be used in the editor.
- Try enabling and disabling other plugins.
- Ensure enabling and disabling works as expected.
TinyMCE logo can be hidden
- Go to Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > TinyMCE editor > General settings
- Enable "TinyMCE branding" if not enabled.
- Go to your profile page and verify the Tiny logo is displayed on the bottom of the editor.
- Go back to the settings page and disable "TinyMCE branding".
- In the "Edit profile" page, verify the Tiny logo is not visible any more.
Smoke test
- Perform a smoke test in the editor, trying all features in the editors:
- Plugins (H5P, Media, Audio and Video recording)
- Text formatting (Paragraph styles, Bold, Italic)
- Menu items (Edit, View, Insert...)
- Links
- Emoji Picker
- Equation editor
- Accessibility checker, Screenreader helper
- Show more/fewer buttons
- Click in one of the options in the menu bar (Edit, View, Insert, Format...), scroll down and up.
- Ensure the dropdown menu stays anchored to the button that triggered it.
- Verify the justify alignment toolbar and item menu do not exist.
- All features should works as expected.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-75966 Initial TinyMCE 6 integration for Moodle 4.1
- Closed