Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
Test requirements:
- A course in topics format containing a number of activities and resources in different sections
- Chrome should be used. Please mention in a comment the version of Chrome that you are using.
- Log in as a teacher, go to the course page and turn editing on.
- Hover on the blank space between the section's name and the three-dot menu.
- Verify that the cursor will become the move icon.
- Move a section using drag and drop to a different position.
- Verify that the activities and resources in the section are displayed correctly in the new position.
- Refresh the page and verify that the section is displayed in the new position and the navigation drawer or block (depending on the theme) lists the sections in the correct order.
- Via the edit menu, highlight a section, then move it by clicking on the move icon and selecting an item where it should be moved to.
- Verify that the section is displayed underneath the selected item and is still highlighted.
- Verify that the activities and resources in the section are displayed correctly in the new position.
- Refresh the page and verify that the section is displayed highlighted in the new position and the navigation drawer or block (depending on the theme) lists the sections in the correct order.