Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
This test requires the Moodle site to have
- At least two categories
- Miscellaneous (id=1) and
- Test Category (id=2)
- csv file with fields: shortname,fullname,summary,category and include at least two courses in both categories. Use the "Category ID number" in the category field. If desired, there is a sample csv file attached here which may be used for testing purposes.
- Log in as admin and navigate to Administration>Site administration>Courses>Upload courses.
- Upload your csv file into the General box, leaving all other settings as default. Click to preview.
- In Default course values, change the format to Social format and upload.
- Verify the message says the correct number of courses were created and click Continue.
- Navigate to Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories. Click on the name of Miscellaneous and verify the courses have been added to the correct category.
- Click on one course and verify its description displays and it has been set to Social format.
- Repeat with "Test Category" and a different course.
- Edit the csv file to include the field: delete and enter 1 next to one course in "Miscellaneous" and one course in "Test Category". Repeat step 3,changing import options to 'Only update exisiting courses' 'Update with csv data only' and 'Allow deletes = Yes'
- Click Preview and then click Upload courses, verifying the message says the two chosen courses have been deleted.
- Repeat steps 5 and 7, verifying the chosen course in each category has actually been deleted.