Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
This test requires the tester to read the e-mails sent to users.
- Login as an manager
- Go to Site administration > Competencies > Competency frameworks
- Create two frameworks (F1, F2), each with 1 competency (C1, C2)
- Go to Dashboard ► Site administration ► Users ► Permissions ► Define roles
- Edit the role "Authenticated user" and Allow it to:
- moodle/competency:planmanageowndraft
- moodle/competency:planrequestreviewown
- Login as a student, go to your profile and follow 'Learning plans'
- Add a new learning plan named 'My plan'.
- Add both competencies C1 and C2 to the plan.
- Make sure the competencies are displayed in the plan
- Reorder the competencies, and confirm it worked.
- Delete the competency C2, and confirm it worked.
- Request a review of the plan
- In the comments, add "Please approve this plan." for the reviewer to see.
- Head back to your learning plans
- Confirm 'My plan' is displayed on your list of learning plans
- Edit the plan, to change its name to 'My great plan', add a description and due date.
- Confirm that the changes have taken effect
- Using the dropdown menu, cancel the request for a review, and confirm it worked.
- Send the plan for review again.
- Login as manager and go to "Dashboard".
- Turn "Edit mode" on add the Learning plans block and follow 'My great plan' which is waiting for review.
- From your dashboard, follow 'My great plan' which is waiting for review.
- Click on 'Start review', now the status should be 'In review - [Name of the manager]'
- Leave the comment 'How are you?' for the student to see.
- Login as student and head to your plan
- Leave the comment 'I'm good, thank you!' on the plan.
- At this stage both users should have received an email
- The student received an email stating 'How are you?', and a link to the plan
- The manager received an email stating 'I'm good, thank you!', and a link to the plan
- Login as the manager, go back to the plan.
- Click on 'Finish review'
- The status should now read 'Draft'
- Click on 'Make active'
- The status should now read 'Active'
- Log back as the student
- Click on the link to go to your plan, it should be visible on your dashboard
- The comment left by the manager should be visible under 'Comments'
- Confirm that you can no longer edit the plan, nor add or remove competencies
- Go back to your learning plans, and add a new learning plan
- Delete the newly created plan and confirm that it is gone