Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
- Log in as an manager.
- Go to Site administration ► Competencies ► Competency Frameworks
- Create a competency framework CF1 if you don't have any.
- Update framework with at least 3 levels of competencies, one competency rule, some related competencies and some custom scales.
- Go to Site administration ► Competencies ► Export competency framework
- Select CF1 as "Competency framework" and press Export
- Check downloaded file and ensure the data exported is as expected.
- Edit exported file in text editor and update parent id number and id number for each competency
- Go to Site administration ► Competencies ► Import competency framework
- Select exported file and press import
- Ensure you get confirmation message "Competency framework created."
- Go to Site administration ► Competencies ► Competency Frameworks
- Ensure the imported competency framework is visible
- is a QA test written for
MDL-55767 Add tool_lpimportcsv to core
- Closed