Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
- Log in as a teacher and add an activity (any type) and a label to a section in the course.
- On the course page, in the Edit menu for the activity, select "Hide".
- Check that the message "Hidden from students" is displayed.
- In the Edit menu for the activity, select "Show".
- Check that there is no longer a message shown on the course page.
- Edit the activity settings and check in the Common module settings that the Availability setting has two options - "Show on course page" and "Hide from students".
- Go to the course page again and hide the section containing the activity and the label.
- Check that the message "Hidden from students" is displayed next to the section name.
- In the Edit menu for the activity, select "Make available".
- Check that the message "Available but not shown on course page" is displayed.
- Copy the link of the activity, then in a separate browser log in as a student and check that you can access the activity.
- Go to the course page and check that a link to the activity is not shown.
- Return to the browser in which you are logged in as a teacher and edit the activity settings and check in the Common module settings that the Availability setting contains two options - "Hide from students" and "Make available but not shown on course page".
- Edit the label settings and check in the Common module settings that the Availability setting has just one option - "Hide from students".
- Log out as a teacher and log in as an admin and enable 'Allow activities to be available but not shown in visible sections of course page' (allowstealth) in the Site administration.
- Go back to the course and unhide (show) the section.
- Check that the message "Hidden from students" is no longer displayed.
- On the course page, in the Edit menu for the activity, select "Hide".
- Check that the message "Hidden from students" is displayed.
- In the Edit menu for the activity, select "Make available".
- Check that the message "Available but not shown on course page" is displayed.
- In the Edit menu for the activity, select "Show".
- Check that there is no longer a message shown on the course page.
- Edit the activity settings and check in the Common module settings that the Availability setting contains three options - "Show on course page", "Hide from students" and "Make available but not shown on course page".
- duplicates
MDLQA-11538 CLONE - A teacher can choose to show or hide activities or make them available but not shown on the course page
- Passed
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-4782 allow resources/activities to be hidden but available/active
- Closed