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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-1 Moodle QA testing
  3. MDLQA-1721

A file can be added to a folder resource


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • Filepicker, Folder, Student, Teacher
    • None

      A file can be added to a folder resource

      1. Log in as teacher, go to a course, turn editing on and add a folder resource.
      2. Enter a name, then drag and drop a file into the Files area.
      3. Verify that a progress bar is displayed while the file is uploading.
      4. Verify that thumbnail image and name of the file is displayed in the Files area.
      5. Click 'Save and display' and verify that a link to the file is displayed.
      6. QA-1763 - Click 'Edit' button and drag and drop 2 files at the same time into the Files area.
      7. Verify that a progress bar is displayed for each file while the files are uploading.
      8. Verify that thumbnail images and names of the files are displayed in the Files area.
      9. Click 'Save and display' and verify that links to the files are displayed.
      10. Click the 'Edit' button then in the Files area, click the 'Add...'.
      11. Select 'Upload a file' then browse and select a file.
      12. Click 'Upload this file' and verify that a thumbnail image and name of the file is displayed in the Files area.
      13. Click 'Save changes' and verify that a link to the file is displayed.
      14. Click 'Edit' button then in the Files area, click the 'Create folder' icon.
      15. Enter a name and click the 'Create folder' button.
      16. Verify that the folder is displayed in the Files area.
      17. Click 'Save changes' and verify that the folder is displayed.
      18. Click a link to one of the files and verify that it is correctly downloaded.
      19. Click 'Download folder' and verify that all files and folders are correctly downloaded in a zip file.

      QA-1746 -Files are not uploaded when the user cancels.

      1. Click 'Edit' button again.
      2. Click 'Add' and select 'Upload a file' and select a file.
      3. Enter a value for Save As.
      4. Change the name of the author and the licence type.
      5. Select Upload this file then verify that the file appears in the File Manager and that the details are correct.
      6. Click 'Cancel' button and verify that the files are not uploaded.

      QA-1761 - Folder creation can be cancelled by clicking X

      1. Click 'Edit' button again.
      2. Click 'Create folder' and verify that the create folder dialog is launched.
      3. Enter a folder name and Click the X on the create folder dialog.
      4. Verify that the dialog closes and your changes have not been saved.
      5. Click 'Create folder' again.
      6. Enter a folder name and click 'Create'.
      7. Verify that the new folder is displayed in the file manager area.
      8. Click on the folder and verify that you are taken to an area in the file manager containing sub folders and/or a file drop area and that there is a breadcrumb trail to your current location (breadcrumbs are not shown in tree view).
      9. Drag and drop a file onto the file manager.
      10. Click 'Save changes' and verify that the files have been uploaded.

      QA-1767 - A file can be picked from private files and a shortcut can be made.

      1. On the user menu, click "Private files" and add a file.
      2. Back to the folder resource and click 'Edit'.
      3. Click 'Add' and select 'Private files'
      4. Select the file you have uploaded, click the 'Create an alias/shortcut to the file' radio button.
      5. Click 'Select this file' and verify that the files have been added.
      6. Click 'Save changes' and verify that a shortcut has been added.

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