Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
This is an exploratory test of a new feature or improvement, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!
Some H5P files attached to help with the testing.
- As a teacher go to a course and click on 'Turn editing on'.
- Create an H5P activity by 'Add an activity or resource' link, and selecting 'H5P' activity.
- Fill required 'Name' field and upload a .h5p file to 'Package file' (some .h5p files attached for testing.
- Set Grade - Type to 'Point' and 'Maximum grade' to 10.
- 'Save and return to course'
- Go to the course grades, click on "Turn editing on" button to enable quick grading, and edit:
- Student 1: H5P activity "7"
- Student 2: H5P activity "5"
- Student 3: H5P activity "0"
- Save changes
- Confirm there is no error and values are stored.
- Go to the course home page.
- Reset the course.
- Check 'Delete all grades' in the 'Gradebook' section.
- Click on the "Reset course" button to perform the reset
- Confirm there is no error.
- Go to course grades and confirm student grades are empty.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-67707 Create a new H5P activity
- Closed