Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
This is an exploratory test of a new feature or improvement, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!
It requires a site which sends emails, so the QA testing site cannot be used.
- Log in as admin and create 2 students with known emails (you should be able to check received emails)
- As student1 go to User preferences > Notification preferences and enable 'Course content changes' notifications for Web and Email.
- As student2 go to User preferences > Notification preferences and disable 'Course content changes' notifications for Web and Email.
- As admin create a course and enrol both students.
- Switch to Edit mode on and create a new activity1 checking 'Send content change notification' checkbox.
- Edit activity1, change any of the settings, confirm 'Send content change notification' checkbox is unchecked and save changes.
- Edit activity1, change any of the other settings, check 'Send content change notification' checkbox and save changes.
- Create a new activity2 and keep 'Send content change notification' checkbox unchecked.
- Create a new activity3, set availability to 'Hide from students' and check 'Send content change notification' checkbox.
- Wait a couple of minutes for the cron to be ran.
- Confirm student2 had received no email.
- Confirm student1 had received 2 emails only: one about the activity1 created on step6, and another one about changes made on step 7.
- Confirm the emails have a link to the created/updated activities.