Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
This test requires admin access. If you would like to use the QA testing site for running it, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
Test 1 - Licence pages and settings
- As admin navigate to Site Administration > Licence > Licence settings
- You should see the admin settings sitedefaultlicense and rememberuserlicencepref
- The default license should now be 'Licence not specified'
- rememberuserlicencepref setting should be checked by default.
Test 2 - Custom licences can be disabled
- Create another licence.
- Navigate to Private Files and drag and drop a file into the file picker and Save changes.
- Click on Manage private files, then click on the file, in the dropdown for Choose licence your custom licence should be visible.
- Add a file using the add icon
instead of drag and drop, select 'Upload a file' from the filepicker and you should see your licence in the Choose licence dropdown here as well
- Select 'Recent files' and click on the file you added, in the dropdown for Choose licence your custom licence should be visable again.
- Return to the Licence manager page and disable your custom licence you added.
- Repeat the test checking that your custom licence is no longer displayed in the Choose licence dropdowns (unless that file had already been set to your custom licence before the licence was disabled, then it should still display the custom licence)
Test 3 - User Licence Preferences
- Navigate to Site Administration > Licence > Licence settings
- Note the site default licence set (you will need this for a later step)
- Deselect the rememberuserlicencepref checkbox and save the settings
- Navigate to Private files and add a file using the add icon
ensuring that you select a licence which is NOT the site default licence
- Use the add icon
again and check that the Choose licence preselected licence is the site default and not the licence you chose for last file upload (it should be the site default licence)
Test 4 - Licence used by files cannot be deleted
- Create another licence. Ensure that you do not set this license as the site's default licence.
- Navigate to Private files and add a new file seleting your custom licence as the file's licence and save changes
- Navigate back to Site Administration > Licences > Manage licences
- Attempt to delete the custom license, you should see an exception message 'Cannot delete a licence which is currently assigned to one or more files'
- is a QA test written for
MDL-45184 Create user interface to add/delete new licenses
- Closed