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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-16759 Moodle 4.1 QA
  3. MDLQA-17369

CLONE - User can open external tool LTI submission from the gradebook


      This test requires admin access (ask for credentials) and can be tested on the QA site.


      1. LTI Advantage requires your site to be reachable from the internet. If not, Install ngrok to expose your moodle setup externally. Refer here for additional guidelines
      2. Have a course with an instructor and at least one student
      3. Have the Robotest Test app installed
        1. As site administrator, navigate to Site Admin > Plugins > Activity Modules > External Tool > Manage Tools
        2. In the box that says tool url enter: https://robotest.theedtech.dev/register
        3. Click the Add LTI Advantage button
        4. The test tool should open with a trace of the communication with Moodle, all should be green (thumbs up).
        5. Click the close button - the test app UI should disappear and the list of tools refreshing
        6. Verify the Robotest app has been added and is not yet activated
        7. Click the Activate button
      4. For LTI 1.1 we use saLTIre (https://saltire.lti.app/)
        1. As site administrator, navigate to Site Admin > Plugins > Activity Modules > External Tool > Manage Tools -> Configure Tool Manually
        2. Tool URL: https://saltire.lti.app/tool
        3. Set as LTI 1.1
        4. Key: any value
        5. Secret: secret
        6. Privacy: allow grading instructor's choice

      LTI Advantage Support for Submission Review

      We enter the course as instructor, add a couple of links, one supporting submission review, one not. Then verify the launches from the gradebook.

      Since multiple or single import have slightly different logic, we import both using multiple and single item.

      1. Enter a course as instructor
      2. Turn editing on
      3. Add an activity > external tool:
        1. Select Robotest from the list of tools
        2. Click the Select Content button
        3. Select a single item: "A single Graded Activity with Submission Review Full"
        4. Back to Moodle, modify the title to prefix it with SINGLE, as to remember that link was imported as a single item import
        5. Submit
      4. Now let's import multiples: Add an activity > external tool:
        1. Select Robotest from the list of tools
        2. Click the Select Content button
        3. Select "One of Each"
        4. Back to Moodle, verify all the links listed in Robotest are going to be imported (should be 4 of them, 3 graded)
        5. Submit
      5. Now let's check the Submission review actually works by going to the gradebook: navigate to grades
        1. Verify that each cell for the graded imported links has a mag icon
        2. For each of those links, click on the mag icon
          1. Verify the launch is successful
          2. For submission review launch, it should mention it's a submission review (The 2nd header row should say 'Submission Review Launch')
          3. Verify the for_user field (User id found) is indicated as successfully populated. Note that it should be the id of the student for which the grade was clicked on.
      6. Let's verify the regular launches are still... regular launches
        1. Navigate to the Course main page (where the topics are listed)
        2. Click on one of the Robotest activity
        3. In Robotest, verify the type of launch is Resource Link Launch (The 2nd header row should start with ('Resource Link Launch')

      Let's verify Submission Review from a Student viewpoint now:

      1. Enter course as a Student
      2. Click on one of the imported links, one starting with Graded with Sub. Review (IFrame)
        1. Verify the launch is a successful and  the type of launch is Resource Link Launch (The 2nd header row should start with ('Resource Link Launch')
        2. It should have sent a grade back (one row should have a green title saying 'Score Post without error ')
      3. Navigate back the Moodle Course home (by clicking on the course name in the Moodle UI)
      4. Clcik on Grade
      5. On the list of activities, find the one you clicked on in step 2
        1. Verify it has a grade
      6. Click on the activity link
        1. Verify the launch type is submission review (The 2nd header row should say 'Submission Review Launch')
        2. Verify the User Id value and the For User Id have the same numeric value

      LTI 1.1 Regular Launch

      While this feature is not intended for 1.1 launches, by the way Moodle External Tool is built, there is no way to prevent the mag glass to show up. So since it shows, it should work (the link should launch successfully).

      1. In the course, turn edit on, add an external tool activity
      2. Choose saLTIre tool
      3. Make the activity gradable and set maximum points to some no 0 value
      4. Save
      5. Open the gradebook
      6. Verify a column exists for that new link
      7. Click on the Mag glass
      8. Verify the tool launches successfully

        1. submission review_teacher_2.webm
          777 kB
        2. submission review_teacher_1_4.png
          submission review_teacher_1_4.png
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        3. submission review_teacher_1_3.png
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        4. submission review_teacher_1_2.png
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        5. submission review_teacher_1_1.png
          submission review_teacher_1_1.png
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        6. submission review_student_3_4.png
          submission review_student_3_4.png
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        7. submission review_student_3_3.png
          submission review_student_3_3.png
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        8. submission review_student_3_2.png
          submission review_student_3_2.png
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        9. submission review_student_3_1.png
          submission review_student_3_1.png
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        10. submission review_student_2.png
          submission review_student_2.png
          127 kB
        11. submission review_student_1.png
          submission review_student_1.png
          382 kB
        12. lti1.1.webm
          967 kB

            andelacruz Angelia Dela Cruz
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