Functional Test
Moodle 4.1
- Create a course with the following users enrolled:
- Teacher
- Non-editing teacher
- Student
Testing scenario 1. Course badge as admin
- Log in as an admin and go to the course
- Select "Badges" from the more menu
- Click on the 'Add a new badge' button
- Fill in the form
- Badge Name: Badge1
- Add a image and a description for the badge.
- Click save.
- Add a badge criteria on "Manual issue by role"
- Enable Manager and Teacher and save
- Select Recipients from the dropdown
- Confirm you do not see the 'Award badge' button
- Click on the 'Enable access' button and confirm the action
- Confirm you do see the 'Award badge' button now
- Click on the 'Award badge' button
- Confirm you see a 'Back' button
- Confirm the 'More' menu is marked as selected
- Click on the 'Back' button.
- Confirm you are taken back to the page in #7 (Recipients)
- Click on the 'Award badge' icon (trophy)
- Select 'Teacher' from the dropdown
- Confirm you see a 'Back' button and the 'More' menu is marked as selected
- Click on the back button
- Confirm you are taken back to the page in #7 (Recipients)
Testing scenario 2. Course badge as teacher
- Log in as a teacher
- Repeat all of above creating Badge2 (steps 2 to 20) from Testing scenario 1.
- Teacher will not have 'Manager' listed in the above point. Skip this selection.
Testing scenario 3. Course badge as non-editing teacher
- Log in as non-editing teacher and go to the course
- Select Badges from the secondary menu
- Click 'Manage badges' and then click on 'Badge1'
- Under 'Recipients' section, click 'Award badge' button
- Confirm you see an error notification
- Confirm you do not see a back button
- Click on the 'Badge recipient' link in the notification
- Select Badge2
- Repeat steps 4 to 7
Testing scenario 4. Site badge as admin
- As admin and go to Site Admin > Manage badges
- Repeat steps (3 to 20) from Testing Scenario 1 (Use a different name for the badge)
- The breadcrumbs in the top should be "Badges / Manage Badges / {Badge name}"
- On Site Admin > Manage badges
- Click on the delete icon
- Confirm you do not see any tertiary navigation
- is a QA test written for
MDL-72904 Add tertiary navigation to the badges pages
- Closed