Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
This test requires a lesson activity containing more than one question.
- Log in as a teacher, update the lesson activity and set the maximum grade to 100, 'Student can re-take' to Yes and 'Handling of re-takes' to 'Use mean'.
- Log in as a student and attempt the activity twice.
- Check that the grade for the activity is the mean of the two attempts.
- Log in as the teacher, update the lesson activity and change 'Handling of re-takes' to 'Use maximum'.
- Log in as the student and check that grade shown in the gradebook is the maximum of the two attempts.
- Log in as the teacher, update the lesson activity and set 'Student can re-take' to No.
- Log in as the student, access the lesson activity and check that the message 'You are not allowed to retake this lesson.' is displayed.