Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- Log in as a teacher, go to a course, turn editing on and add a quiz.
- Set 'Close the quiz' to today's date with time say 10 minutes from now.
- Set 'Time limit' to longer than the close time, say 20 minutes.
- Set 'When time expires' to 'There is a grace period when open attempts can be submitted, but no more questions answered'.
- Set 'Submission grace period' to quite a bit longer, say 1 day.
- Leave all other settings as default, scroll to the bottom of the page and save changes.
- Add at least 3 questions to the quiz.
- Log in as a student, start a quiz attempt and answer some but not all of the questions.
- Click the button 'Finish attempt' but do NOT click 'Submit all and finish'.
- Log out and wait until the quiz is closed (time as specified in step 2) but the time limit has not.
- Log in as a teacher and view the student's attempt.
- Check that it is shown with state 'Overdue'.
- Log out then log in as the student again and click the 'Continue your attempt' button.
- Check that you can submit your attempt but not answer any more questions.
- Click the 'Submit all and finish' button and check that your grade is saved.