Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- Download the attached files:
- Open your file browser with the download folder where you download the files
- Create a course in topic format with at least 2 topics.
- Set the "Administration -> Security -> Site security settings -> Maximum uploaded file size" setting (called "maxbytes") to 1MB.
Admin test
- Log in as an admin and go to the course with edit mode on
- Select all files in the file browser and drag them into Topic 1
- Check a modal asking what to do with the first H5P file that appears
- Check the default selected option is "Create file resource"
- Select "Add an H5P activity" and submit
- A second modal appears for the second H5P file
- Check the default selected option is "Add an H5P activity"
- Submit the modal
- Check a process monitor appears a few seconds in the bottom right part of the page.
- Check there are 4 new activities in Topic 1: 2 x resources and 2 x H5P activities.
Teacher test
- Log in as a teacher and go to the course with edit mode on
- Select all files in the file browser and drag them into Topic 2
- Check a modal asking what to do with the first H5P shows
- Check the default selected option is "Create file resource"
- Select "Add an H5P activity" and submit
- A second modal appears for the second H5P file
- Check the default selected option is "Add an H5P activity"
- Submit the modal
- Check a process monitor appears in the bottom right part of the page.
- Check there are 3 new activities in Topic 2: 1 x resources and 2 x H5P activities.
- After 10 seconds:
- Check the progress monitor keeps open with only the error process displayed
- Check the progress in the monitor displays a "The file is too large"
- Click the "X" icon (close) in the progress monitor with the error
- Check theĀ progress monitor disappears.
Repeat the test in more than one browser and mention in a comment which ones you've used.