Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- Login as a teacher, edit the settings for the quiz and set
- Time limit to 1 min
- Require password to Passw0rd
- Browser security to 'Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security'.
- Login as a student, go to the Quiz and click the Start attempt button.
- Verify that a JavaScript modal dialogue appears, warning you about the time limit, and asking you to supply the password.
- Type in the correct password and click Start attempt.
- Verify that the attempt then starts in a full-screen pop-up window.
- Login as another student, go to the Quiz and click the Start attempt button.
- Type in the wrong password "Pass" and click Start attempt.
- The pop-up window will open full screen, and the the 'Are you sure you want to start' form will be displayed there with the validation errors.
- Type in the correct password "Passw0rd" and click Start attempt.
- The attempt should then start within the same pop-up window.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-46091 Rationalise confirmations when you start a quiz
- Closed