Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- Login as a manager.
- Go to Site administration ► Competencies ► Competency Frameworks
Creating a competency framework
- Click Add new competency framework
- Enter CF1 for name
- Optionally, enter a description
- Enter an ID number
- Click Configure scales and tick items for Default and Proficient values.
- Click Save changes.
- Confirm that the competency framework gets saved.
- Confirm that the page navigates to the competency framework's page.
Reading a competency framework.
- Continuing from the previous section, click on the Competency frameworks link on the breadcrumbs.
- Confirm that the competency framework is listed in the List of competency frameworks.
- Click on CF1's link under the Name column.
- Confirm that the page navigates to the competency framework's page.
Updating a competency framework
- Continuing from the previous section, click on the gear icon beside CF1.
- Confirm that the page navigates to CF1's Edit competency framework page.
- Check the Name, Description and ID number fields.
- Confirm that the values are the same as the ones entered earlier.
- Click Configure scales
- Confirm that the Default and Proficient values are the same as the ones that were set up earlier.
- Select a different value for the Default and Proficient columns, then click Close
- Confirm that dialogue closes and there are no error messages.
- Click again on Configure scales.
- Confirm that the changes that were just made are preserved.
- Modify the values for either or all of the Name, Description and ID number fields.
- Click Save changes.
- Confirm that the form saves properly.
- Back on the CF1's Competencies page, click on the gear icon beside CF1.
- Check the Name, Description and ID number fields.
- Confirm that the changes that were just made are preserved.
Duplicating a competency framework
- Navigate to the List of competency frameworks page.
- Click CF1's Edit menu and select Duplicate
- Confirm that a new competency framework ( i.e. CF1 (copy) ([idnumber]) ) is displayed on the list.
- Click on CF1's duplicate and check the competencies tree.
- Confirm that the competency C1 is also included in the duplicated framework.
Deleting a competency framework
- Continuing from the previous section, click on the Competency frameworks link on the breadcrumbs.
- Under the Actions column, select the Edit menu for CF1.
- Click Delete
- On the confirmation dialogue, click Delete
- Confirm that CF1 gets removed from the List of competency frameworks.
- Refresh the page.
- Confirm that CF1 is no longer shown from the List of competency frameworks.