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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-17385 Moodle 4.2 QA
  3. MDLQA-17720

CLONE - A manager can create, read, update and delete competency frameworks


      1. Login as a manager.
      2. Go to Site administration ► Competencies ► Competency Frameworks
      Creating a competency framework
      1. Click Add new competency framework
      2. Enter CF1 for name
      3. Optionally, enter a description
      4. Enter an ID number
      5. Click Configure scales and tick items for Default and Proficient values.
      6. Click Save changes.
        • Confirm that the competency framework gets saved.
        • Confirm that the page navigates to the competency framework's page.
      Reading a competency framework.
      1. Continuing from the previous section, click on the Competency frameworks link on the breadcrumbs.
      2. Confirm that the competency framework is listed in the List of competency frameworks.
      3. Click on CF1's link under the Name column.
        • Confirm that the page navigates to the competency framework's page.
      Updating a competency framework
      1. Continuing from the previous section, click on the gear icon beside CF1.
        • Confirm that the page navigates to CF1's Edit competency framework page.
      2. Check the Name, Description and ID number fields.
        • Confirm that the values are the same as the ones entered earlier.
      3. Click Configure scales
        • Confirm that the Default and Proficient values are the same as the ones that were set up earlier.
      4. Select a different value for the Default and Proficient columns, then click Close
        • Confirm that dialogue closes and there are no error messages.
      5. Click again on Configure scales.
        • Confirm that the changes that were just made are preserved.
      6. Modify the values for either or all of the Name, Description and ID number fields.
      7. Click Save changes.
        • Confirm that the form saves properly.
      8. Back on the CF1's Competencies page, click on the gear icon beside CF1.
      9. Check the Name, Description and ID number fields.
        • Confirm that the changes that were just made are preserved.
      Duplicating a competency framework
      1. Navigate to the List of competency frameworks page.
      2. Click CF1's Edit menu and select Duplicate
        • Confirm that a new competency framework ( i.e. CF1 (copy) ([idnumber]) ) is displayed on the list.
      3. Click on CF1's duplicate and check the competencies tree.
        • Confirm that the competency C1 is also included in the duplicated framework.
      Deleting a competency framework
      1. Continuing from the previous section, click on the Competency frameworks link on the breadcrumbs.
      2. Under the Actions column, select the Edit menu for CF1.
      3. Click Delete
      4. On the confirmation dialogue, click Delete
        • Confirm that CF1 gets removed from the List of competency frameworks.
      5. Refresh the page.
        • Confirm that CF1 is no longer shown from the List of competency frameworks.

        1. MDLQA-17720 1.png
          MDLQA-17720 1.png
          73 kB
        2. MDLQA-17720 2.png
          MDLQA-17720 2.png
          47 kB
        3. MDLQA-17720 3.png
          MDLQA-17720 3.png
          87 kB
        4. MDLQA-17720 5.png
          MDLQA-17720 5.png
          68 kB

            lameze Simey Lameze
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