Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
This test requires tag functionality to be enabled in Advanced settings in the Site administration and book chapters to be enabled as a tag area.
- Log in as a teacher and go to a book resource (or create a new book).
- Turn editing on, edit a chapter and add a few tags.
- Save changes and check that the tags are displayed correctly.
- Edit the chapter again and delete one of the tags.
- Save changes and check that the deleted tag is no longer displayed.
- Click on one of the remaining tags and check that the tag index page lists the book chapter and all other items in the same tag collection with the tag.
- Go to the course page and duplicate the book.
- Check that the duplicated book has the same book chapter tags.
- Log in as a student enrolled in the course and go to the tag index page listing the book chapter (viewed in step 6).
- Try clicking the book chapter link and check that it leads to the correct book chapter.
- Log in as a different student not enrolled in the course and go to the same tag index page (as viewed in step 6).
- Check that the book chapter is no longer listed.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-57457 Tagging book chapters
- Closed