Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
The goal of this test is to verify the award badge page shows different options depending of the course group mode and the roles of the user (teacher x non-editing teacher)
- A course with one teacher, one non-editing teacher and several students
- A course badge with:
- Criteria set to "manual issue by role" with Teacher and Non-editing teacher selected
- Access enabled.
- Several groups in the course, with students allocated to the groups
- The non-editing teacher added to just one group
You'll need to check this as both teacher and non-editing teacher so I recommend you to have two windows (or different browsers): one logged in as teacher and other as non-editing teacher
- As teacher, edit the course settings and set the group mode to separate groups.
- Go to the award badge page (via Course administration > Manage Badges or More > Badges) and select Teacher as the role you would like to use to award the badge.
- Verify that the award badge page has a separate groups dropdown menu with options 'All participants' and all the groups in the course.
- Select one of the groups and verify that only those group members are listed as potential badge recipients.
- As non-editing teacher go to the award badge page, select "Non-editing teacher" as the role you would like to use to award the badge.
- Verify that the award badge page has a Separate groups label like Separate groups: [[group_name]] where [[group_name]] placeholder is the name of the group containing the non-editing teacher (as the non-editing teacher doesn't have the capability to view all groups).
- Verify that only those group members are listed as potential badge recipients.
- As teacher edit the course settings again and set the group mode to visible groups.
- Repeat steps 2 to 4, this time checking that the dropdown menu on the award badge page is labelled visible groups.
- As non-editing teacher repeat steps 2 to 4, checking that the dropdown menu on the award badge page is labelled visible groups with options 'All participants', the non-editing teacher's group listed under 'My groups' and all the other groups listed under 'Other groups'.
- As teacher, edit the course settings and set the group mode to no groups.
- Repeat steps 2 to 4 and verify that there's no groups dropdown menu on the award badge page and all students enrolled in the course are listed as potential badge recipients.
- As non-editing teacher repeat steps 2 to 4, this time checking that there is no groups dropdown menu on the award badge page and all students enrolled in the course are listed as potential badge recipients.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-62836 Make awarding badges groups/groupings compliant
- Closed