Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
Test Pre-requisites:
- Windows and the windows SEB Client - v3.0.0 beta at least. Tests which require windows here are denoted by [Windows] prefixes.
- Mac OS and the Mac SEB Client - v2.1.5pre2 at least. Some features are not currently supported on the Windows SEB client (v3.0.0 beta), so we'll need a Mac client (At least 2.1.5Pre2) to test this.
Tests which must be run on the Mac client are denoted by [MacOS] prefixes - Tests which can be run on EITHER client are denoted by an [Either Client] prefix
- This test requires a quiz containing several questions.
[MacOS] Test Steps regarding the reload button:
- Login as a teacher, edit the quiz settings for 'Require the use of Safe Exam Browser' to be 'Yes – Configure manually'.
- Set the settings for 'Show reload button' to 'Yes'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there is A reload button in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
- As teacher, set the settings for 'Show reload button' to 'No'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there is NO reload button in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
[Either Client] Test Steps regarding the time display:
- As teacher, set the settings for 'Show time' to 'Yes'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there IS the time being shown in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
- As teacher, set the settings for 'Show time' to 'No'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there is NO time being shown in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
[Windows] Test Steps regarding the keyboard layout display (note this setting is Windows only):
- As teacher, set the settings for 'Show keyboard layout' to 'Yes'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there IS the keyboard layout being shown in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
- As teacher, set the settings for 'Show keyboard layout' to 'No'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there is NO keyboard layout being shown in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.-
[Windows] Test Steps regarding the Wi-Fi control display (note this setting is Windows only):
- As teacher, set the settings for 'Show Wi-Fi control' to 'Yes'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there IS the Wi-Fi control being shown in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
- As teacher, set the settings for 'Show Wi-Fi control' to 'No'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Launch the quiz in SEB, either by clicking "Launch SEB" button, or by downloading the config file and opening it.
- CONFIRM there is NO Wi-Fi control being shown in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-67850 Add Safe Exam Browser integration to the standard Moodle package (moodle-quizaccess_seb)
- Closed