Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
Test requirements:
- Admin access
- 'Enable asynchronous backups' (enableasyncbackup) and 'Enable message notifications' enabled in the site administration
- A course containing activities, resources and users with user data such as forum posts or assignment submissions
If you would like to use the QA testing site for running the test, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
- Log in as an admin and go to assign system roles (Site admin / Users / Assign system roles).
- Assign a user as the manager role at the site. (You can skip this step if you already have a manager account.)
- Log out and log back in as the manager user.
- Go to Preferences -> edit preferences and make sure all options are set to 'On' for "Asynchronous backup/restore notifications". By default, emails when online are disabled.
- Go to a course.
- Select 'Copy course' from the Actions menu.
- Enter a course full name and short name then click the button 'Copy and view'.
- Verify that course being copied is listed as source course and that the current operation goes from backup to restore to complete. (This will take a few minutes.)
- Verify that you receive a message that the backup and restore is complete.
- Click the link for the course copy and verify that a correct copy has been made.
- Repeat steps 5 - 9, entering different values for the course category, visibility, course start date and end date, and ID number, each time verifying that the copy is correct.
- Try clicking the button 'Copy and return' and verify that you are returned to the course being copied.
- Repeat steps 5 - 9, enabling 'Keep user data' and at least one role, and verifying that the course copy contains user data for users with the selected role.
- Repeat steps 5 - 9, selecting one or more roles for 'Keep enrolments of role' and verifying that users with the role(s) selected are enrolled in the course copy.
- Go to Site administration / Courses / Manage courses and categories.
- Try copying a course by clicking the copy course icon next to it.
- Verify that the copy course form opens in a modal window.
- Enter a course full name and short name then click the button 'Copy and view'.
- Verify that you receive a message that the backup and restore is complete.
- Verify that a correct copy has been made.
- Try copying a different course and this time click the button 'Copy and return'.
- Verify that you are returned to the Course and category management page.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-64843 Course Copy User Interface
- Closed